Limnophila Rugosa & Attracting Limnophila Species

A new, wonderful plant which is doing very well in one of my aquaria. This plant seems to take its time changing from emersed to submersed growth. Once it has completed the transition, it is a medium fast but steady grower. And it is a real looker. I know no other aquarium stem plant with similarly ribbed leaves. And the green is amazing. Even under strong lights it will remain fresh and bright with no trace of red whatsoever. I have placed it in the front of my tank but I think this is a very suitable species for Dutch style aquaria where it will probably conquer its place as a plant for “Streets”.

Limnophila Rugosa

Limnophila with deeply furrowed leaves, resembling Basil.  Plant as a group in the fore- to midground or as a Dutch Style “Street”. This new aquarium plant will attract attention in any aquarium due to its fresh and bright green colour and conspicuously texured leaves.

It can be found as emersed shoots with larger leaves and internodes than in the submersed form. You need a little patience after planting as it may take up to 2 weeks until the first submersed shoots appear.

Limnophila Aquatica (Giant Ambulia)

One of the most beautiful fine-leaved plants and a truly large species. Allow for lots of space if you want to keep this plant. In clear, soft water, whorls of more than 10 cm can be formed.

Limnophila Aromatica (Ambulia Conferta)

Very similar to Limnophila aromatica but with deep dark green upper side of leaves and ruby red undersides. Not difficult to keep if enough CO2 and nutirents are provided. Very unusual and beautiful plant.

Limnophila Aromatica Wavy

Slow growing plant with serrated leaves. Always green, even under bright lights. Very suitable plant for Discus aquaria as higher temperatures are tolerated exceptionally well. This genus is extremely variable and it is hard to identify different clones. The plant that we recommend is most probably the form known among planted tank enthusiasts as “Wavy”.

Limnophila Sessiliflora (Dwarf Ambulia)

Easiest of all Ambulias. Grows in almost any aquarium. Definitely a beginner’s choice.

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Stephan Van Ausdal

With more than 20 years of experience in growing indoor plants, he is an expert on houseplants & aquarium plants. He holds a master’s degree in Plant Sciences from Wageningen University & Research.
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